Gender Prediction DNA test
Want to know your baby's gender?
It's possible to know that way too earlier than any other method, without waiting till second trimester. We, genetic laboratory GenEra, offer gender prediction DNA test.
Discover your baby’s gender – weeks to months earlier than any other clinically-proven method – all from the comfort of your home. Know if you’re having a baby boy or girl as little as 72 hours after placing your order.
- Already from 10 weeks of gestation*
- Analysis is completely safe (non-invasive) for mother and child
- More than 99% accuracy, compared to ultrasound or other methods
- We analyse baby's free DNA, which circulates in mother's blood
- You can choose other person to receive results for gender reveal celebration party
* If test is not medical doctor reffered, but made for mothers interest, for ethical reasons the results are given after 12 weeks of gestation.
Process of the test
From about the 10th week of pregnancy, in the mother's blood circulates baby's free DNA in such an amount that it can be detected. Using advanced equipment, it is possible to determine whether in the DNA is Y chromosome. So if it is found, it is clear that the unborn baby will be male. If the Y chromosome is not found, the baby will be female.
- A pregnant woman must give a blood sample in our laboratory (BY PRE-REGISTRATION) or, with prior agreement, in the doctor's office or in one of the Centrālā laboratorija branch,
- Results are available within 10 working days on average. But if the test is performed by the interest of the expectant mother, we will announce the results no sooner than after 12 full weeks of pregnancy,
- Baby's gender prediction DNA test ir very accurate method and can be performed any time of the pregnancy. It can also be useful as confirmatory method if there's problem to determine gender by ultrasound.
- "GenEra" genetic laboratory are accreditied and ISO certified, providing highest standarts in testing.
Gender prediction in twin pregnancies:
Gender prediction test can be used also for twin pregnancies, but in this case we cannot be sure about each baby's gender. With this test is possible to determine, whether at least one of babies will be male, or both babies will be female.
But if you really want to know gender of both babies faster, we can offer to perform NIPT "Panorama" test, which offers to determine gender for both twins.
Attention! Changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic!
The laboratory accepts clients and patients in person strictly by prior appointment. To apply for a visit, write to or call us 26267833! We recommend that you perform the DNA test remotely. More information here.
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